Alesma: A True Truck Enthusiast

Alberto Esteban Martín, better known as "Alesma," calls us from the cab of his truck. One of his employees has fallen ill, and he had to cover for him. He tells us that this is what he loves most about his job: driving. The company has grown,…

Tisvol, the brand preferred by Spanish carriers for their tipper semi-trailers

With a 45.01% market share in 2023, Tisvol is once again the brand preferred by customers when it comes to aluminium tipper semi-trailers. Based on the data provided by the Spanish Association of Semi-Trailer Manufacturers ASFARES, 356 units…

Ros Logistics relies on Tisvol to expand its fleet.

Closing deals is always good news for a company, but there are occasions when it takes on a special significance.   The Valencia-based logistics company has entered into an agreement to acquire 9 Tisvol tipping semi-trailers to strengthen…

Challenges and Solutions: The Transport of Liquid and Semi-Liquid Cargo.

The transport of liquid or semi-liquid cargo is very different from that of solid cargo.

The rise of the duo-trailer: the smart way for companies to focus on efficiency and sustainability

It is exciting to see how companies are increasingly turning to these road giants to boost efficiency and reduce environmental impact. In this article, we explore the reasons behind this growing adoption, highlighting the benefits that are driving…
Maquina estirado de la chapa de aluminio para la construcción de un semirremolque basculante


We bring you advantages that you didn't have until now. How do we do it? We incorporate cutting-edge technologies in the process of welding the floor of your semi-trailer. Before and during the welding of the ribs to the floor, the…


ESPECIALISTAS EN BASCULANTES   Tisvol cierra el año 2022 en primera posición, con un 25% de cuota en la matriculación de semirremolques basculantes (S9) según los datos oficiales de ASFARES, la asociación española de fabricantes…

Diapreses de mayor tamaño

MÁS SEGURIDAD   Gracias a los diapreses de los ejes, haciéndolos más anchos podemos otorgar al conjunto de un plus de SEGURIDAD. Se puede instalar en el basculante los diapreses de 350mm de ancho en vez de los estándar de…

Invertimos en Calidad

El proyecto de “Nuevo sistema de producción de suelos y laterales de remolques y semirremolques” ha sido subvencionado por parte de la Conselleria d'Economia Sostenible, Sectors Productius, Comerç i Treball de la Generalitat Valenciana…

Calidad “sin fronteras”

Los pasados días 14, 15 y 16 de junio se celebró en Países Bajos: Transport Compleet Hardenberg 2022, evento del sector de transporte que reúne a los líderes del mercado internacional de vehículos industriales y dónde se presentan…